Top 8 Howloween Pet Safety Tips

Top 8 Howloween Pet Safety Tips

Posted by Righteous Hound on 27th Oct 2014

The spookiest night of year is upon us! Here are 8 ways to keep fido safe this Howloween:

1. ID's Please
Make sure your furry friend has on identification at all times. With that front door continuously opening and closing for trick-or-treaters, there is a chance they could run out - especially if they're spooked.

2. Remove Fido Before Trick-or-Treat
Consider keeping him or her in another room. Scary parties, constant doorbell ringing or too many strangers in your home can be stressful to your four-legged friends and even make them physically ill.

3. Keep Candy Out of Reach
Halloween candy, wrappers and decorations should be kept out of your dogs' reach. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and many candies can be harmful and make dog's sick. Tinfoil, cellophane, plastic candy wrappers and party supplies can be hazardous if swallowed.

4. Keep Jack-o-Lanterns and Festive Pumpkins Out of the Reach of Pets
Although pumpkin is generally safe, eating too much of it can cause upset stomachs according to the ASPCA. And definitely keep lighted pumpkins out of your pet's reach. Pets can knock them over and run the risk of being burned.

5. Dangerous Decorations
Keep all electrical chords and wires out of your pet’s reach. Halloween decorations are a great way to celebrate the holiday but can be harmful and even deadly to your pets should they chew on or ingest them.

6.Stay Inside
Unfortunately, there can be tricks in addition to treats on Halloween. Keep your furry friends inside so that they will not be the target of pranksters who might tease, injure, steal and even seriously harm them on this night.

7. Comfortable Costumes
Costumes are fun for people, but not necessarily for your pets. Don't dress up your pet unless you know they enjoy it. Make sure the costume isn't annoying or unsafe, and doesn't restrict movement, vision, hearing or ability to breathe or bark. Avoid costumes with small or dangling accessories that the pet could chew off and possibly choke on.

8. Leave Fido at home
It's never a good idea to take your pet trick-or-treating. Dogs may become excited and uncontrollable, and if frightened may bite.

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